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What are we doing for skin care these days?

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The household I grew up in was never interested in skin care. I am now 31 and realizing I need to start doing something about my skin. After some research, i am a little overwhelmed with product choices and what steps to take. I believe I have dry skin and get pimples in my t-zone. Any tips, tricks, or products to bettering my skin would be amazing. Thank you lovies!

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Keep it simple: Cleanser, serum, moisturizer.

Pick a brand you like and don't worry about getting the expensive anti-aging stuff. The best thing you can do for you skin is take care of your gut and diet.

December 5, 2023 | Forum: r/beauty

Is the skin care industry bamboozling us?

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I see so much on Reddit talking about elaborate skin care routines, super expensive creams and just tons of products that many use in order to have amazing skin.

I can only go by my experience, but when I was younger, I tried all kind of skin care routines, cheap and expensive, elaborate and somewhat simple, and I never really had that great of skin. I had oily skin, I had acne, and then I had dry patches, and I used tons of products trying to improve the situation.

Now I’m in my 60’s and have given all of it up, and use just warm water to wash my face, and moisturizer once in a while and that’s it. I use a powder foundation and lipstick occasionally. And suddenly, I get all these compliments about how great my skin is and how lucky I am.

I’ve come to the conclusion that all these multi-step processes in many cases do more harm than good. All the cleansing and toning removes your skin’s natural moisture and then you need to buy more products to try to get moisture back in. The paranoid skeptic in me suspects that a lot of these products will cause a problem so that you spend money on another product trying to solve it. I dunno - I just find it amazing that once I stopped using all the products, I have the best skin of my life. In the winter, it is very dry here, but since I stopped using all that stuff, I don’t even get dry skin on my face anymore (my lower legs are another story).

I just sometimes feel like we women are such suckers for these cosmetic companies. They convince us that we can’t be beautiful without putting a whole lot of money in their pockets. Why don’t men feel the same pressure? For what it’s worth, the men my age are looking pretty good, and none of them that I know of are spending a lot of money on skin care. When I was younger, half of the types of products they are selling didn’t even exist.

I know most women don’t feel the same way, but I just feel frustrated that the standards of beauty we are expected to follow require a whole lot of products and time. I’m too old to compare myself to an Instagram model, but honestly, I don’t envy anyone who needs to use 15 products in order to feel attractive. We need to look in the mirror the way men do.

This is just my opinion, and I know many women love their skin care products and make-up routines, I’ve just found that it’s not for me. I’m curious if anyone else has given up most of the products and been happy with the result.

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Check out Jessica De Fino's writing on this topic - she's a former beauty writer/editor who now covers the beauty industry and how it's largely a hack.

January 21, 2024 | Forum: r/AskWomenOver30